Life at BOTS

Our Team

People are one of the most valued stakeholders for BOTS and we have institutionalized policies that lay the ground for right opportunities for our workforce, while ensuring their health, safety and well-being.
We aim to nurture the future leadership of the Company.

The megatrends shaping up the global workspace are around enhancing employee experience, learning and innovation, diversity at the workspace and digitalization.

Our efforts are to work towards tapping these trends and lever-aging our immense human capital to make the best use of these emerging trends and add value to the processes and the organization at large.

Our Culture

We have built a culture that rewards dedicated people with a can-do spirit, who take responsibility and who have the drive to be leaders in their field.

We strongly believe that our people are our greatest asset. We also endeavor to nurture a culture of diversity, innovation, total quality management and employee care and respect. As a matter of principle, we believe that diversity within the work-force greatly enhances our overall capabilities.

Our values are highlighted and reinforced through informal awards and recognition. They are also embedded in the 360 feedback review process and personal development plans.

How We Care About You

Our employees are our most important assets and our key value proposition is employee development and career growth.

Our belief is in growing our employees through coaching, mentoring and training both internally and externally.

We also have a range of exciting initiatives including employee engagement, appreciation and fun activities all year around

Our benefits include paid annual and sick leaves, monthly and annual performance bonuses.

Your Talent, Our Stage

Experienced Professionals

Graduate Training Programs

Apprenticeship Program

Internship Program

Employment Principles

Key to our culture is a set of fair-minded Employment Principles.

Principles that apply to all our operations. They state that we won’t discriminate in hiring, promotion decisions on the ground of candidates or employees race, color, gender, age, social-class, religion, politics or disability.

Rather, we match the requirements of the job to the ability and potential of the individual.

Available Positions

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Recruitment Process

Step 01

Build a job description for the role to be filled

Step 02

Announce on career page, and social media platforms

Step 03

Shortlist the successful candidates from test and / or interviews

Step 04

Negotiate the terms and conditions of the job

Step 05

Employ staff and make placement

Step 06

Orient the new staff about the company and their roles